Política de privacidad

Garantizamos la privacidad de sus datos

What we collect

To improve our service, we may anonymously log your queries and their associated results. We do not associate your queries with any personally-identifiable information such as your IP address.

How we use your data

Your data may be used to improve our product and machine learning models. We will never sell your data to any third party.

If you are a HoshAI user, you may opt-out of your data being used for training our machine learning models. None of your HoshAI data across any of the modes will be used for model training.

Proprietary Code

Enterprise Mode where there are guarentees that proprietary code is never stored on any of our servers nor any third party. This will include OpenAI Zero Trust.
Personal Data processed for the following purposes and using the following services:
Google Analytics (Universal Analytics)
Personal Data: Trackers; Usage Data
Managing contacts and sending messages
Personal Data: email address; username
Contact information
Owner and Data Controller
HoshAI.com, Ontario, Canada
Owner contact email: [email protected]
Telephone: +1 (437) 523-0539